Sunday 2 November 2014

# Randall's ESL Cyber Listening Lab HW

For this week's assignment, we were told to listen to two audio clips and write down some words and their definitions.

#1  College Life

a. hectic (adjective)
very busy; full of activity
Ex:  1. Today was too hectic for me.
       2. I am going to face a hectic schedule next week.

b. fortunately (adverb)
by good luck
Ex: 1. I was late, but fortunately the meeting hadn't started.
      2. Fortunately for him, he was very soon offered another job.

c. tuition (noun)
the money that you pay to be taught, especially in a college or university
Ex: 1. When I started college, tuition was $350 a quarter.
      2. He can't afford to pay the tuition fees for next semester.

#2 A Story to Remember

a. bizarre (adjective)
very strange or unusual
Ex: 1. I can't believe we're getting involved in something so bizarre and so treacherous.
      2. He was at ease with the bizarre discussion.

b. sighting (noun)
an occasion when somebody sees somebody/something, especially something unusual or something that lasts for only a short time
Ex: 1. This was the first sighting of the comet for 1000 years.
      2. The sight of her right now must fill him with disgust.

c. saucer (noun)
a small shallow round dish that a cup stands on; an object that is shaped like this
Ex: 1. Only a few flying saucer advocates spoke from the fringes with a positive slant.
      2. I remembered the flying saucer analogy.

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